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04 August 2009

You wanna stop this sort of thing...

...bring back the death penalty for terrorism...
-- MELBOURNE, Australia -- Police in Australia foiled a terrorist plot for commando-style suicide attacks on at least one army base, arresting four men Tuesday with suspected links to a Somali Islamist group, senior officers said.

Some 400 officers from state and national security services took part in 19 pre-dawn raids on properties in Melbourne, Australia's second largest city, police said.

Four men, all Australian citizens of Somali or Lebanese descent and aged between 22 and 26, were arrested, and several others were being questioned Tuesday, police said.

RELATED: The return of "Canadian Cynic"

Look who's back... once again bombarding the comment threads with forged comments...
Why so shy, Bobby... I thought now that you'd been outed, you were gonna celebrate the "real you".

And now, on top of that... he's deleting his own comments and trying to say it's me. Who exactly is this dumb?
Cowardly and pathetic.



I just received an email from Blogger asking about a request to reset my Blogger password. It seems someone is stepping up their game and attempting to hijack this blog.

Geez... what scummy piece of shit would stoop to something like that?
