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03 August 2009

Heroes often fail

Back in 2008, when election fever was spiking, the street artist Shepard Fairey created his famous and controversial image of Barack Obama.

Now a conservative graffiti artist – who knew? – has apparently been papering the greater Los Angeles area with images of Barack Obama dressed up as Heath Ledger’s Joker.

Each image appears above a single, block-lettered word: “Socialism.”

UPDATE: The Leftosphere trots out the KKK
And while we're talking about double standards, I notice that L.A. Weekly blog which looked at the the Obama Joker poster and declared it so obviously racist that "the only thing missing is a noose" didn't seem to have a problem with an actual, as opposed to feverishly imagined, depiction of lynching Sarah Palin.
The "race card"... yeah, I'm shocked.
