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02 August 2009

Two Canadian soldiers killed

Corporal Christian Bobbitt, 23 and another soldier – who cannot be identified yet because his family has asked for more time to notify relatives – were on a refueling mission in the Senjaray district in Zhari, west of Kandahar City, when their vehicle was hit by an IED explosion at around 3:20 p.m. Kandahar time, according to the Canadian Forces.

RELATED: Fallen, but not forgotten...
Bone fragments and skeletal remains were recovered in the desert last week by U.S. Marines stationed in Iraq's Anbar province, thanks to a tip from an Iraqi citizen, the department said. It said they were identified as Speicher's by the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology.

Speicher's F/A-18 Hornet fighter was shot down over west-central Iraq on January 17, 1991, the first night of the first Gulf War, which eventually drove Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein from Kuwait.

UPDATE: Second Canadian identified...

Sapper Matthieu Allard, 21, was killed after his convoy was hit with two improvised explosive devices in rapid succession while on a refuelling mission in Zhari district, about 15 kilometres west of Kandahar City.