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02 August 2009

And it only...

...took 10 years...
“The moment he's on the plane, there's no bringing him back.”

RELATED: No time wasted here...
German-Canadian businessman and arms lobbyist Karlheinz Schreiber is to appear in German court Tuesday to be formally read the fraud, corruption and tax evasion charges that could land him a 15-year jail sentence, an official said Monday.
And, curiously, ol' Karlheinz isn't getting the journalistic "free ride" he got from Canadian media...
One German journalist who has covered Schreiber’s activities in both Germany and Canada said the trial could lead to new testimony that could be controversial in both countries.

“Knowing Schreiber, he is someone who has a strategic relationship with the truth."

"He uses truth and facts whenever it’s helpful for him,” said Lars von Torne, who writes for the Berlin-based daily Tagesspiegel.