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07 August 2009

Just what does it take... be a much-celebrated hero in multi-culti Canada?
"He's described as a reluctant warrior because he carried himself with integrity and honour and dignity and I think he was particularly inspiring for so many of us."
Just don't expect to get the whole story from the fuzzy-bunny Canadian media.

See... when Donald Marshall and his buddy Sandy Seale tried to rob crazy old crank Roy Ebsary... they didn't count on Ebsary fighting back and stabbing Seale to death. Or that Ebsary would then tell the cops it was Marshall who killed Seale.

Sure, it wasn't fair... but that's what criminals do... they lie.

More to the point though, it didn't make Marshall the innocent bystander he claimed to be. The truth is, at 17 years of age, he was a conscienceless thug looking for an easy payday. If he or Sandy Seale were more competent criminals, it could just as easily have been Roy Ebsary who got gutted like a fish.

It certainly would have been interesting to see what Donald Marshall would have said then, because... as I said earlier... criminals invariably lie.

Anyway... after his conviction was repealed, ol' Donald got a lifetime pension of $1.5 million to... you know... compensate him for his burgeoning criminal career that had been so rudely interrupted. And that's actually what allowed this "reluctant warrior" to begin to champion aboriginal causes... instead of resuming his former career as a mugger.

Donald Marshall did get convicted for the wrong crime that day... but he was certainly no innocent bystander. And the system, which certainly isn't perfect, did compensate him for that mistake.

Now, I know voicing this will likely push the leftosphere into another spluttering, spittle-flecked rage about systemic racism... but those are simply the facts.

And, oh yeah... just one other little missing factoid.

There's not a single whiff about this "aboriginal icon" being charged with attempted murder a couple of years ago... after he tried to run a guy over with his car.

What kind of sentence you figure you or I would receive for that type of thing?

I'm gonna take a flyer and bet it wouldn't be an aboriginal "healing circle".


At the time he died he was being charged with assault against his wife and her ex husband.

RELATED: Heroes often fail

And please, please, please... don't even get me started on local hero Shawn Brant.


UPDATE: CBC continues to rewrite history

Today (Sun Aug 9) CBC radio has one of Marshall's lawyers on talking about the case. The lawyer constantly refers to poor Donald as "Junior"... evoking the image of a small helpless boy.

She also characterises the attempted robbery of the elderly Roy Ebsary as a viscious "racist attack" on Marshall and Sandy Seale. No hint of criminality on the part of the two young thugs.

Not a single, solitary word about his 2006 arrest for "attempted murder" or the charges of assaulting his wife.

Yeah... I'm shocked.
