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07 August 2009

Hope, Change and...

...Crawford, Texas...
The White House spokesman, Robert Gibbs, described Baitullah Mehsud as "a murderous thug", and said Pakistani people would be safer if he was dead.
Apparently this one was a win-win for everybody involved...
“It is the top desire of my life to obtain martyrdom, I have strong feelings for the martyrdom in my heart.”
'Nuff said.


"Did 'Shrub' just leave a 'to do' list lying around the White House or something?"

RELATED: More good news?
Southeast Asia’s most-wanted Islamist militant, a man involved in over 200 murders and who claimed to be Al Qaeda’s representative in the region, may have been killed in a police shootout Saturday, Indonesian police said.

Indonesian police are conducting forensic tests to see if Noordin Mohammed Top, a recruiter and explosives expert who led a splinter wing of the Jemaah Islamiah (JI) Islamist network, was among the dead after a 17-hour siege between militants and elite counterterrorist police thatå ended Saturday.
Maybe not...
Doubts have surfaced over whether the man killed by Indonesian police in Central Java was Noordin Mohammad Top, the man wanted in connection with the recent bombing of two hotels in Jakarta.