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25 July 2009

It ain't a pretty sight when a...

...Harvard professor gets "all medieval on yo' ass"...
Gates, 58, a world-renowned scholar and documentary filmmaker on black history, allegedly ranted to police at his Ware Street home, “This is what happens to black men in America!” and “You don’t know who you’re messing with!” in addition to verbally dragging Crowley’s mother into the fray.
Hmmm... perhaps channeling Tupac Shakur wasn't the best option here after all...
Curiously... it appears as though Mr. Gates isn't too keen to have those audio tapes made public...
"My entire academic career has been based on improving race relations, not exacerbating them," Gates said in an email, adding: "It is time for all of us to move on, and to assess what we can learn from this experience."

RELATED: I guess it depends who you ask
A black president, a black governor and a black mayor all agree with a black Harvard professor that he was racially profiled by a white-Latino-black police team, headed by a cop who teaches courses in how to avoid racial profiling.

The boundless elasticity of such endemic racism suggests that the "post-racial America" will be living with blowhard grievance-mongers like professor Gates unto the end of time.