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15 July 2009

Green Eggs and Ham (it up)

Screw health care... McSlippery's got bigger, greener eggs to fry.
-- July 15 (Bloomberg) -- The Ontario government will offer buyers of electric cars incentives of as much as C$10,000 ($8,852), the Globe and Mail reported, citing unidentified people.

The subsidy will be available to consumers beginning next year, the newspaper said. Canada’s most populous province will also make plug-in or electric vehicles account for as much as 20 percent of its government fleet by 2020, the Globe said.

Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty will announce the new program at a General Motors Corp. car dealership in Toronto today, the newspaper said.
Heck... it's not like it comes out of his pocket, huh?
"Premier Dalton McGuinty says he doesn't regret giving General Motors $250 million of Ontario taxpayers' money, even though the company is closing its Windsor transmission plant."

"Why aren't the rich funding my kid's braces instead of us funding their electric cars?"
"I only hope I get to pick the colour of my Government Motors electric car."

Industry analyst Dennis DesRosiers echoed Mr. Beatty's concern. "A cynic would say this is just government subsidizing a product that is produced by a company they own. I think that is a bit too cynical."

"I just think it is bad policy from a variety of perspectives."