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01 July 2009

G&M - Canada Day Edition

Ah, yes... the strained peas & carrots of Canadian journalism...
I've gotta say... I've heard some pretty screwed up definitions of what it is to be Canadian... but truly folks, if we're down to "eating seal meat"... it really is time to start looking at mass emigration to Australia.


RELATED: Sadly, in the eternal battle...

...of Penis vs Patriotism...
I know that David Miller isn’t one to provoke a union if he can at all avoid it, but it would have been nice to see at least a glimmer of citizenship from both the government and the unions.

Surely the one day of the year where we celebrate our nation could have been salvaged? I guess it goes to show you how the unions and the city officials think. We daren't offend the Pride organizers, that would be politically incorrect.

Canadians as a whole, however? Screw 'em.