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01 July 2009

CAF - Canada Day Edition

C'mon Omar... don't hold back... tell us how you really feel...
As the rest of Canada celebrates the nation’s 142nd birthday today, a Vice President of the Canadian Arab Federation has labelled the country a “genocidal state” and the described its national day as “F**k Canada Day.”

Omar Shaban, who lives in Vancouver, BC made these comments on his Facebook page, declaring, “It’s finally Canada Day ... Couldn't be more ashamed to be Canadian.”
Let the Canadian Arab Federation know how you feel.

Or, better yet... let this guy know.

(h/t bcf)


RELATED: The Kwantlen Political Science Society...

...must be so proud...


UPDATE: CAF bites the bullet
The tirade on Omar Shaban's profile stirred up a firestorm of controversy and put CAF leaders in damage-control mode as they were quick to condemn the posting on the social networking site.

Just after 8:30 last night, Shaban, 23, resigned his post as the CAF's executive vice-president for Western Canada, CAF national president Khaled Mouammar confirmed.

"If Mohamed Boudjenane (CAF Executive Director 416-889-6764) really wants to distance the Canadian Arab Federation from Omar Shaban, then why is Omar Shaban still on his facebook friend's list?"