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02 June 2009

Your money... Dalton's friends

Something to ponder... during your next 8 hour wait at the local hospital emergency room...
One day after Health Minister David Caplan ordered eHealth Ontario to undergo an independent audit of its questionable spending practices, the taxpayer-funded agency sponsored a welcome reception for 500 people in Quebec City.

The crown agency paid $27,000 as a "gold sponsor" of e-Health Conference 2009: Leadership in Action, and also covered the travel and accommodation costs for 25 of its staffers and consultants to attend the four-day event, including two Albertan consultants who bill just under $3,000 a day for their services.

As Sun Media has revealed, the organization has spent millions of dollars on consultants who turned around and billed the taxpayer for everything from Tim Hortons teas to swanky furnished apartments on Yorkville Ave.

RELATED: Relax, it's not like we're talkin'...

...holy shit, Dalt... are you outta your mind?!?!
"And overall agency spending has ballooned to $839 million while the delivery date for province-wide, electronic patient health records has been pushed back to 2015."

FROM THE COMMENTS: Ask an actual doctor...
"Back when they said they were going to build this thing, the other doctors in the room were very excited. Most, if not all of us, thought how nice it would be to access a patient's medical records anywhere, anytime. Frustrations relieved, a happy pallor fell over the room."

"Then I mentioned the gun registry. Several groans later, most people were thinking about how many CT scanners a few billion could buy."

"Soon most had accepted it for what it was, the continuous subtle torment of our souls."

LAST WORD: Let's just ask Premier "Rainman"...
Okay... I think I see the problem here.
