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29 June 2009

Well, whaddaya know... looks like...

...the law of the land trumps "empathy"...
-- WASHINGTON -- The United States Supreme Court gave President Barack Obama's high-court nominee, Judge Sonia Sotomayor, a legal slap on Monday, overturning a controversial decision involving a group of white firefighters from Connecticut who were denied promotions based on their race.

With Sotomayor's potential high court colleagues tossing one of her most cited decisions, it's expected the case will become central in her Senate confirmation hearings upcoming next month.
Hmmm... hiring people based on merit... instead of who their parents are... what a concept.


RELATED: In other politically correct news...
Mr. Hudak was unapologetic about his campaign, which included a pledge to disband the province’s human rights tribunal, a body that has issued some perplexing decisions in recent years, including one forcing a bar owner to post signs saying “We accommodate authorized marijuana users” after he asked the man to move from the doorway while he smoked a joint.