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29 June 2009

In David Miller's socialist paradise...

...there's no such thing as a bad boy, er... girl... well... you know...
Abused women living in a YWCA facility in North Toronto say they've been forced to share showers with transsexual tenants and cope with frequent, violent behaviour from others living there. Residents in the four-storey residence and shelter for victims of domestic abuse told the Sun repeated complaints about physical assault, harassment and verbal abuse have been downplayed, if not outright ignored by the YWCA.

"One woman on the third floor was wielding a knife to other people living on the floor and it took three years to evict her," a tenant told the Sun. "They tell us we have to show compassion." YWCA staff have refused to call police following complaints of violent altercations, and told residents they have to call authorities themselves, according to women who live in the building.

Yesterday, the Sunday Sun reported that some women living in the Riverdale YWCA assisted-housing facility are using the taxpayer and United Way-subsidized building as a base for prostitution -- even bringing johns into their apartments.