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06 June 2009

Much ado about nothing

Rex Murphy takes a look at the Puffin King...
We don't know what he thinks.

What is the Liberal position on bailing out the auto sector? When he rails against the spiralling deficit does that mean that he opposes the $10-billion GM bailout? Would he, as PM, cancel it? Does he, like Mr. Harper, believe “we had no choice” but to follow the Obama administration's lead?

Where is he on the entirely justified case the forest industry is making for a parallel remedy? Can we presume, since he is appalled at the swelling deficit, he's against any assistance, equivalent to that offered auto workers, for forest workers?

We do not know, because on so many issues he has not told us. In other words, his critique of the government is just that - criticism.

He is very good at ardently sketching the defects of the government he opposes, but equally a virtuoso at shielding us from what he would do differently.
