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06 June 2009

If you voted for Dalton McGuinty... the last election... you forfeited your right to bitch about high taxes...
EHealth Ontario CEO Sarah Kramer's six-figure bonus was double the maximum rate allowed at the Crown-owned agency, a spokeswoman for the organization has confirmed.

In early March, four months after Kramer started her post at the newly created agency, its board of directors approved a $114,000 bonus, on top of her $380,000 salary.

When Ontario Health Minister David Caplan was asked earlier about her bonus, he called it a "carry-over from her previous contract."
Yeah... that eHealth.


UPDATE: Caplan has to eat his words
“I am acting immediately upon (the eHealth board’s) request to revoke Sarah Kramer’s appointment as eHealth Ontario President and Chief Executive Officer,” Health Minister David Caplan announced today.

“This decision is an important step to restore public confidence in the agency and its mandate of modernizing our health care system.”
So David... what are you gonna do to restore public confidence in your (and Premier McSlippery's) poor judgement?
Mr. Caplan initially defended the bonus, portraying it as something Ms. Kramer was entitled to receive at her previous job at Cancer Care Ontario, where she also worked with Dr. Hudson. However, a Cancer Care executive said her bonus at eHealth was three times higher than what she would have received at her former job.

Through his press secretary, Mr. Caplan subsequently changed his tune.

LAST WORD: Dalton McSlippery thanks you...

...for your generous contribution...
Sources told The Canadian Press that Kramer will receive nearly $317,000 in compensation, the equivalent of 10 months' salary under an agreement reached with eHealth's board.