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19 June 2009

Longing for a kinder, gentler era..., you know... the 12th century...
Addressing huge crowds at Tehran University, the ayatollah voiced support for President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, saying the president's views on foreign affairs and social issues were close to his.
C'mon Crazy-Face... just cowboy up
Iran should just come out and say, "Screw you, we want the bomb... and if you mess with us, you'll have 6 dollar no-lead by next Tuesday."

RELATED: Mom... is that you?
Have you seen how many Iranian women there are on the streets protesting against the crooked re-election of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad? Wonderful, isn’t it?

Do you not think that in this battle against repressive regimes and fundamentalist doctrines, women might turn out to be the Gdansk ship workers (who began the uprising against the Communist regime in Poland)?

FROM THE COMMENTS: Now that Canadian Cynic...

...has all that time on his hands, he's decided to start forging comments full-time...
'Cos that's how his cowardly, dishonest ass rolls.


As president of United States -- or, if you prefer, the Great Satan -- I have have been following with keen interest the vigorous post-election debate and vibrant political dialogue which has been taking place in your great and noble Islamic Republic of Iran over recent days.

It has been both educational and fascinating, and as a sports fan I have thrilled to the pageantry, the suspense, and the fast-paced, hard-hitting action.