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10 June 2009

It just gets better and better

You think you've managed to get to the bottom of Dalton McGuinty's perfidy... but the hits just keep on coming...
eHealth Ontario spent more than $1 million in severance to remove a nine-member senior executive team to clear the way for Sarah Kramer -- herself dumped at a six-figure cost last week.

Documents obtained by Sun Media detail packages handed to William Albino and Michael Rigo, let go after the Liberal government tapped Dr. Alan Hudson to lead the quest for electronic health records and to chair eHealth's board.

Then-president and CEO Albino received nearly $850,000 in severance and Rigo, a senior vice-president, left with about $235,000.
Heck... it's not like it comes out of ol' McSlippery's pockets, huh?
Another seven senior execs were also sent packing at the time but eHealth V-P Deanna Allen said details of their severance would only be released through a Freedom of Information request.

As soon as Albino and his team departed, Kramer replaced them, largely with consultants.
And what does the Premier have to say?
Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty stood by the eHealth Ontario board of directors on Tuesday, saying he still has confidence in them despite the contracts and spending scandal.

"I'm very proud of the work that Dr. Hudson has done and continues to do for us."

"You couldn't get a better, more committed and more accomplished individual, at any pay level, to take on that responsibility."

RELATED: It sure wasn't Lisa Raitt...

...who pissed away all my tax dollars...
"eHealth Ontario has spent $146 million on consultants since 2003, despite commitments to reign in billings for outside expertise."
And while we're on hypocrisy...
"No one should doubt for a second that the opposition parties are committed to the well-being of their constituents."

"Yet for months now, the Liberals, the Bloc Québécois and the NDP have made no secret of the fact that they also see the current economic downturn as a unique opportunity to score points against the Conservatives."
Et tu, Iggy?
