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15 June 2009

And the devoted Leftosphere...

...jumps to "Canadian Cesspool's" defense...Oh, Martin... by calling me hurtful names, you have pierced my very soul.

And casting aspersions on my ability to handle firearms? Woe is me. Your ability to deduce all these things, sight unseen... well.. it's astounding.

And who exactly is Martin?
Just another one of CC's anonymous little trolls. Honestly, guys... does this sort of thing work on anybody over 7 years old?

And lastly, Marty... how about you defend this?

I dare you.


RELATED: And Dr Dawg starts up...

...where Canadian Cesspool left off... attacking women.
"I'm beginning to think, alas, that CC found exactly the right word to describe you, you Christian hypocrite."
Dr.Dawg | Homepage | 06.15.09 - 9:11 pm |
Hey Dawg... what word is that?
