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10 May 2009

There must be days...

...Allah just throws up his hands and says. "That's it, I'm outta here"...
Witnesses in Somalia's capital, Mogadishu, say fighting between rival Islamist groups has killed at least 39 people and injured dozens more.

Somalia's current government has the backing of moderate Islamists but hardline groups have vowed to topple it and install an Islamic state.
Well, as long as they get rid of those evil... wait...


RELATED: Meanwhile, more breaking news from...

...Egypt's infamous "Ministry of Irredeemable Imbeciles"...
A new fatwa published in Egypt determines that the source of all the existing pigs in the world is Jews, who were cursed by Allah. The new edict was issued by Sheikh Ali Osman from the Egyptian Waqf ministry.

Due to their Jewish roots, Sheikh Osman says, it is permissible to slaughter all the pigs.

The religious scholar was quoted as saying by a Jordanian newspaper that he personally believes the source of the pigs is Jews and thus the consumption of pork meat is banned in Islam.

LAST WORD: Decoding Pakistan
