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15 May 2009

The simple truth is, statistically...'ve got a better chance of being strangled by your own pants...
From 2002 to 2007, nine people died in Canada after being hit with an RCMP stun gun.
Of course...
In the decade from 1991-2000, there were 5,900 water-related deaths in Canada; of that total, 889 died fishing.

RELATED: If Tasers are so lethal...

...why do cops keep volunteering to be shocked?
Det Con Joe Holness agreed to act as a guinea pig in a demonstration of the device at the Police Federation's annual conference on Wednesday.

His stunt raised more than £1,000 for October's National Police Memorial Day, which Det Con Holness founded himself.

The conference voted 95% in favour of all officers being armed with the guns.