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15 May 2009

Canadian of Convenience-in-Chief...

...trots out his defense...
“You know and we know that no matter where we come from, where we live or have lived, we are all of us proud Canadians.”
See, professor... I'n not so sure about that. What about the tens of thousands of folks who just got finished paralysing Toronto for the last week or so?

And besides... that's not even the issue, is it?
Mr. Harper's press secretary, Dimitri Soudas, said last night the issue is not the years Mr. Ignatieff spent abroad, but that he came back only to try to become prime minister.

“Canadians who chose to work outside the country don't pretend that Canada is not their country.”
Michael Ignatieff, after 34 years on the road, rolls back into town at 58 years of age... because he's suddenly feeling patriotic?

Yeah, sure... that makes sense.


"Is Ignatieff's current wife a landed immigrant or a citizen of Canada or ?

I read that the "family" home was in Florence, Italy? Are they citizens of Italy?"