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01 May 2009

Paging Wendy Kukier

If we could just melt down all the nasty guns in the world... then nobody would ever have to die again.
Wait a minute...


RELATED: Homegrown terrorists still trying... call the shots...
The Mohawks of Akwesasne have planned a rally for this morning at the Kawehnoke border crossing on Cornwall Island, south of Cornwall, Ont., to protest the June arming of Canada Customs officers.

The Mohawk council of Akwesasne said the event will also mark the 110th anniversary of the death of Saiowisakeron, also known as Jake Ice, a Mohawk activist who was shot and killed by Dominion Police in 1899.
What say we run this one past the widow and children of Officer Marcel Lemay?


"As I can claim a tenuous descendancy from Abel, I demand justice, dammit, from Cain's descendants."