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02 May 2009

All hail the Puffin King

Yeah, sure he does... for his successor...
-- VANCOUVER -- "Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff is urging Liberal members to change the way the party picks its leaders by adopting a one-member, one-vote selection process."
Funny... even the unapologetic socialists at the "Red Star" aren't buying this one...
So, to sum up... a guy with zero political experience who hasn't lived in the country for three decades... is recruited by party bagmen who have to cross international borders to find someone untainted by recent Liberal hijinks.

Said recruit & assorted henchmen then mount a backstage coup to ditch Professor Jabbersmack... who is confusing/alienating the party base... and anyone else he happens to trip over in his daily meander through the nation's capital.

After messily deposing said current leader and busundering his ol' college roomie... our hero assumes, without any opposition whatsoever... the dampish, lonely throne.

The newly crowned Puffin King, after washing the blood off his hands... then calls for, whaddayacallit... "democracy"... for the next guy to come down the pike.

Good grief.


RELATED: Same old, same old...
-- VANCOUVER -- It was vintage Chrétien on Friday night. Unfortunately, it was also vintage Dion.

Stéphane Dion, the outgoing leader, who was being feted for his tenure, also had Liberals on their feet - but it was as they were walking out on his speech. It was that bad.

LAST WORD: Coyne nails it...
"It’s like 1968, only without the candidates, issues, excitement or leader."