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14 April 2009

The trouble with trolls

My own personal troll... who... oh-so coincidentally... happens to be Canadian Cynic's biggest cheerleader... has apparently lost his mind over this post and challenged me to a duel...

I dunno, CC... er... Libby.

It's an awfully long drive down here from Waterloo.

You sure you won't get lost?


"I thought the first rule of the fightclub was that you didn't talk about the fightclub."
Dear LS:

You are making an ass of yourself. Everyone is laughing at you. The idea of someone being tough over the internet is ludicrous.

Please, for your own sake, get your lithium prescription refilled.

BREAKING UPDATE: Suddenly CC, er... Libby, decides...

...he DOES support the troops... and, I guess, snowmobilers...
My arsenal, huh? And I should bring it with me? Hmmm... bring it to this place where you're gonna show me "a real man", right?

And it's just gonna be you & me... and the OPP? Hey... there's a plan.

Well, I have to say dumbstick... you can pedal as hard as you want... but you sure ain't gettin' anywhere.

Hey, CC... which colourful wingnut have you got on deck?

Batter up!
