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09 April 2009

Scratch a "Wingnuterer"...

...find a lyin' sack-o-shite...
Well, Zorph... I can see you're feeling pretty pleased with yourself.

I just don't understand why, because...

One - creating a Blogger ID - solely for the purpose of partisan trolling is both incredibly obnoxious and blatantly dishonest.

Two - I never accused Scott Tribe of being "Liberal Supporter"... that'd be, well... you... just now.

Three - This proud declaration of deliberate duplicity isn't something to shout fom the rooftops. Where I come from, this is something to be ashamed of... .. it simply speaks to your obvious lack of integrity.

Think about it, Zee... why should anybody ever trust a single word you ever say again?

Oh, that's right... you're a proud Socialist. It's not about the means... just the end..

And Zorph... you're all about the name-calling aren't you?

You seem to be pretty fond of the term "nancy-boy". How do all your socialist buddies feel about your seemingly "homophobic" slurs?

Good grief.


RELATED: You can tell a lot...

... about a person by the company he keeps...
"The other folks at 'Gidget goes Granola' included... Philip Qua of The Wingnuterer..."
Looks like the Wingnuterers are all "birds of a feather".


UPDATE: The little pack of scavengers grows...
Go Balbully go...
At least, unlike Zorpheus... you're not pretending to be somebody else.
