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23 March 2009

"Train 9 from Outer Space"

The death of someone before their time is always tragic... but, I'm sorry Jessica... the "Monster Train" theory... that just ain't gonna cut it...
Perhaps the white roses stand for the two young men rendered helpless as a GO Transit train "sucked" their friend beneath it in spite of their screams and attempts to bang on the cars as the train rumbled westward.

"He said they just got off the GO Train. It was pulling away and Jafari got put onto the tracks by the train somehow."

"Then it just kept going."
Oh my gawd... another remorseless killer.

Is this what passes for journalism nowadays? The anthropomorphic train that eats unsuspecting bystanders? Like the malignant ski hill that rises up and squashes beloved thespian royalty?

I sense a theme here.

It's like the evil handguns that rain down over Toronto's "less advantaged" neighbourhoods... indiscriminately shooting innocent bystanders.

This is a world spinning out of control. We are being victimised by forces beyond our limited understanding.

Well, all that... and evil twisted genius Stephen Harper.



FROM THE COMMENTS: Coulda been a contender...
"Oceans have been eating shoreline for a long time but they’re getting hungrier."