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06 March 2009

Riding the Tiger... yet again

Looks like the natural governing party is cozying up to another group of "freedom fighters"...
You didn't realize the signficance of those flags? They have a tiger on them. They have bullets on them. Even an illiterate could figure them out.

You weren't aware that "other speakers" supported the terrorists? How about the shrieking man who thanked you, and spoke immediately after you, who mentioned his love for the terrorists by name?
And did Michael Ignatieff do anything about the unbelievable behaviour of his MP?

Yeah... give yourself a shake.
Malhi wasn’t suspended from caucus. He wasn’t even disciplined. Fine – with such a small caucus, every vote counts.

But here’s the rub: Malhi wasn’t even ordered to renounce his support for the Tamil Tigers, he wasn’t ordered to express regret for attending the rally or for saying what he said.

He was allowed to make a non-apology, an ironic apology. He was allowed to support a terrorist front. That's not even a slap on the wrist. That's a kiss on the cheek.

This isn't about a backbench loser like Malhi anymore.

This is about the judgment of the Liberal leader, the man who would be prime minister.

It’s appalling.
Friends don't let friends vote Liberal.


RELATED: In other "Circle of Friends" news

Yeah... good luck with that, too.
