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06 March 2009

Holy rectal-floss, Batman...

...this one's guaranteed to be a pretty proud moment for somebody's parents. And hey, call me a language snob, but I truly never imagined you could possibly use the words "strip club" and "classics" in the same sentence...
The ladies vying for the "Pole Position Quebec" title duelled in 20 events. Details of the contests are guarded secrets, but the showdowns included strip-club classics such as pole and lap dances.
No wonder these guys are always yip-yappin' about their uniqueness... it's a veritable cultural smorgasbord.
Some girls do amazing stuff - upside down, holding with one hand, I mean I can barely lift myself on those things," Losique said on the show's set, which featured two poles side by side, a giant wall mirror and a massive disco ball hanging from the ceiling.

"When Warhol mentioned that 'everyone would be famous for 15 minutes', that didn't mean it was a GOOD thing."