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02 February 2009

Yet another argument...

...for the existence of hardwired "genetic memory".


RELATED: Get ready... for "Obamania: Canadian Style"
"In his first week on the job as Leader of the Opposition in the House of Commons, Michael Ignatieff was already becoming something of a media darling in Quebec."

LAST WORD: But wait... what's this over here?

Apparently, not everybody's feelin' the love...
"In any case, Michael Ignatieff bargains in vain, while Danny Williams does nothing to stop the slow, and very public, revolt."

"At this point, it is hard to see how this can work out well for Michael Ignatieff. The rebels can be thrown out, and the caucus gets smaller. Heck, the NDP might pick them up."

"Oh God! Even the Green Party!"