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02 February 2009

Oh, thank goodness...

...I was starting to get a little worried about where these guys were heading...
Before he arrived at the summit, he circulated a letter saying he was coming as the king of the traditional kings of Africa and he wanted to be seated as the king of kings.

He wants a single African military force, a single currency and a single passport for Africans to move within the continent.
Whew... looks like Africa's gonna dodge yet another historical bullet, huh?


RELATED: So Dawg... I've just gotta know... between "deadly tasers" and "more social workers" and "saving baby seals", did you ever give a thought to these 900 annual murder victims?
-- KANDAHAR, Afghanistan -- A suicide bomber in a police uniform detonated his explosives inside a police training centre in southern Afghanistan on Monday, killing 21 officers and wounding at least 20, officials said. The Taliban claimed responsibility.

The bomber entered the training facility in Tirin Kot, the capital of Uruzgan province, as the police reservists were exercising, said Juma Gul Himat, the provincial police chief.

Over the last several years, police have borne the brunt of militant attacks. In 2008, some 868 policemen were killed in insurgent attacks, according to a tally of figures collected by The Associated Press. More than 900 police were killed in 2007.
Oh right... they're "The Man"... they deserve it.
