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03 February 2009

Yeah, sure... just like he "allowed"...

...the sun to rise this morning...
Don't worry, Puffin-Boy... I've heard it gets easier each time you do it.

Of course, there are always a few nay-sayers...
“It looks bad on Ignatieff and his control over his caucus,” said one long-time Liberal. The optics of going against a leader in a budget vote are not good, which is why MPs are usually disciplined.

In 2007, former Liberal MP Joe Comuzzi was kicked out of Stéphane Dion's caucus for pledging to support the Conservative budget.

In 1996, John Nunziata was kicked out of Jean Chrétien's Liberal caucus for voting against the government's budget over what he considered a broken promise not to rescind the GST.

RELATED: Hope, Change and...

...entitled to "their entitlements".
Obama ran as the candidate who will break the influence of corporate lobbyists, and Daschle wrote a finger-wagging book about how special interests have too much control over how government runs the health care sector.

Then we find that after Daschle left the Senate he, um, earned some $5.3 million over two years from those very special interests, who are already demanding favors.