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04 February 2009

Jacko dives in...

...where Saint Obama fears to tread...
NDP Leader Jack Layton urged the House of Commons to adopt a "Buy Canadian" strategy in response to the "Buy American" clause included in the proposed U.S. stimulus package,

Layton sees a "golden opportunity" to boost slumping domestic sales with a "perfectly legal and appropriately designed 'Buy Canadian' strategy."
Fortunately for us, Layton's dream of 6 cabinet seats has died a horrible death... and cooler heads will prevail...
"The leader of the NDP asked the question, 'What would be wrong with policies that have us just buy here?' What's wrong with it is we are a world trading leader," Harper said. "We can compete with the best in the world; we can sell around the world. We want to sell around the world, and that's what our policy is designed to have us do."

UPDATE: Good news for Canada
-- WASHINGTON -- The U.S. Senate has defanged the "Buy American" provision contained in a huge economic recovery bill, watering down the controversial measure that threatened to ignite a cross-border trade war just two weeks before President Barack Obama's visit to Canada.

LAST WORD: Yes, yes, "Red" Star... we get it