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04 February 2009

Fiberal publicity whore...

...finally gets his 15 minutes of infamy...
"Watching Kinsella come to terms with what he said is fascinating, but it wouldn’t be of national (or international) importance if Kinsella weren’t attached to Michael Ignatieff."

"And in that sense, it’s been an education, too – can Ignatieff manage a team? How does he handle crises? Is he more afraid of Kinsella being inside his tent, or outside of it?"

UPDATE: Another kick at the cat
A number of readers have e-mailed me asking why this story is important, and whether or not my criticisms of Kinsella's conduct are in conflict with my belief in freedom of speech.

Let me answer.

Kinsella's comments were an insult to the Chinese community in a way that stung them – it was an implication that Chinese are uncivilized, and trick their customers. That’s a particular implication that hurts.

It would be like saying all Irish are drunks, or all Jews are stingy, or all Italians are mafia.

Special K clears the air..., uh... tries to change the channel...
