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05 January 2009

"Well I don't know..."

Why I came here tonight...
I got the feeling...
That something ain't right...
"Clowns to the left of me..."
Israeli government spokesman Mark Regev confirmed again yesterday that Israel is not looking to oust Hamas. “We have no love for Hamas, but the goal of this operation is purely defensive,” he said. “We have not articulated regime change as an objective. On the contrary, the minute we can be sure the civilian population in the south of Israel is not going to be on the incoming end of Hamas rockets from Gaza, this operation can be over.”
"Jokers to the right..."
Samir Abdullah, the Palestinian Authority's minister of planning, said he is wary of Israel's motives in leaving Hamas in power in Gaza. “They want to perpetuate the split between Gaza and the West Bank,” he said. “They don't want us [the Palestinian Authority under president Mahmoud Abbas] to be back in Gaza. Not at all.”
"Here I am... stuck in the middle with you."
