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05 January 2009

There is, apparently... Palestinian equivalent... for the concept of irony...
On Monday, the mastermind of Hamas' takeover of Gaza, Mahmoud Zahar, exhorted Palestinians to “crush” Israeli forces and to target Israeli civilians.

“The Zionists have legitimized the killing of their children by killing our children. They have legitimized the killing of their people all over the world by killing our people,” Mr. Zahar said in a grainy video broadcast on Hamas TV.

“Crush your enemy,” he urged.
Geez Mahmoud... with what... random rocket attacks and suicide bombers?

Wait a minute...


RELATED: Modern, secular Turkey feels "dissed"...

...calls for divine retribution...
Overnight Sunday meanwhile, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan used exceptionally harsh words to describe Israel's offensive against Hamas in the Gaza Strip.

"Allah will sooner or later punish those who transgress the rights of innocents," Erdogan said.
Sooner or later? I've gotta confess I'm a little confused here... Allah is what... on vacation?
In addition, he said the operation, which began four days after a visit to Ankara by Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, was a sign of disrespect to Turkey.
C'mon, that's your biggest beef here? You got "dissed?"

And your God is gonna do some kind of "cosmic drive-by?"

No wonder nobody takes these guys seriously.


LAST WORD: These guys wouldn't know truth...

...if it bit them on their dirty, raggedy asses...
The Taliban said last week on their website that they killed 5,220 American and NATO troops in 2008 - an exaggerated figure nearly 20 times the official death toll.