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11 January 2009

Meet Martin

We get a lot of angry people here at "the Halls."

Some of them take exception to my politics... others to what they see as my "lack of compassion."

The truth is... you never know what's gonna set somebody off.

The thing most of these folks have in common... is that they're actually able to articulate what it was that put a knot in their knickers.

And then... there's Martin.Now, I'm not sure what Martin's major malfunction is... but I'm guessing he's not gonna win "Miss Congeniality" any time in the near future...Oh, hey... I've seen this before... it's the the rigorous and ever-popular "you're a poopyhead" school of debate.
Anyway... if you happen to encounter Martin in any of the comment threads... be gentle.
"psst..Know what Neo honey, I'm actually a woman. Know what else? I think you're creepy."
Posted by Martin to halls of macadamia at 2:04 PM, April 17, 2009"
He's obviously got a few more balls in the air than he can actually handle.


UPDATE: Oops... Martin reacts
...actually makes up a profile.
Hmmm... isn't it funny how ol' Marty started to ramp up his little clown car... just after this noted dumbstick got outed.


LAST WORD: What's the big, hairy-ball deal...

...with the compassionate, intellectual left... and the Jews?
Two words, Marty... Rorschach Test.

You just failed.
