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10 January 2009

As P.J. O'Rourke once said...

It's like "giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys"...
“We face significant risk in terms of losses for taxpayers,” said Mr. Robertson, whose news conference followed a one-hour briefing for reporters by a senior city hall manager on the details of the Olympic village deal.

“The exposure for the city is significant.”
C'mon now... what's $875,000,000.00 between fuzzy-bunny friends?


"It's just peanuts compared to what Canadian and American taxpayers are going to have to pony up to cover the money being thrown down a rathole in these so-called stimulus packages."

I swear on a stack of... wait...
-- VANCOUVER -- Vancouver City Council knew as far back as the summer of 2007 that the Olympic athletes village was in jeopardy and that the city's own financial investment in the project was at risk, The Globe and Mail has learned.