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03 December 2008

Yes indeed... they're flexible

"Last election, Stephane Dion gave his word, he said his Liberals would never form a coalition with the NDP," the radio ad states, before running a clip of Dion.

"We cannot have a coalition with a party that has a platform that would be damaging for the economy. Period."
Get the video.

And Stephen Harper himself, had a few words of advice for the Pretender...
"If you want to be prime minister, you get your mandate from the Canadian people, not from the separatists."

"It will now not be lost on even the dimmest Quebec voter that by electing increasing numbers of BQ MP's that the financial lot of all in that province will increase substantially."

"To those who say that climbing in to bed with the Bloc will not be a problem, this is just the first of the implications of this ménage a trois."