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02 December 2008

Just watched Gilles Duceppe...

...on CTV... blatantly admit that he's supporting the so-called "coalition"... simply to advance the Separatiste agenda.
"Layton and Dion won't change. They're federalists and I'm a sovereigntist," he said. "I think every gain we're making here is good for Quebec, and what's good for Quebec is good for a sovereign Quebec."
Well... you've gotta give Duceppe points for just coming out with the truth... instead of frantically dancing around it, like say... his partners in slime.

When the media attempted to bring up the damaging remarks with Taliban Jack, he simply responded... "You'll have to take that up with him."

That's how much the NDP cares about Canada.


"Don't these coalition idiots realize they are being set up??? The Bloc WANTS this to fail. And WANTS to fuel western alienation. I expect lunacy from Layton, but surely Liberals can see this."

UPDATE: Another CTV poll goes sideways...