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30 December 2008

Yeah, you dumbass...

...that's what we figured you'd say...
Mushir al-Masri, a Hamas official, countered: “We are not begging for calm and there is no room to talk about calm amid the continued aggression and siege.”
Of course, he's saying it while cowering in some dark little spider hole... far away from the fighting.
Hamas seized control of the Gaza Strip from Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas's Fatah faction in fighting in June 2007.

It has rejected international demands to recognize Israel, renounce violence and accept existing interim peace deals.

RELATED: In other "tyranny of nice" news...
"It's as if they can't see the difference between stealing a handbag and setting off a car bomb outside a nightclub."

LAST WORD: Live and don't learn
-- GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip -- Palestinian militants, armed with deadlier missiles than ever before, kept up rocket assaults on Israeli border communities on Tuesday, despite relentless Israeli air attacks against Gaza’s Hamas rulers and unwelcome word from Egypt that it would not bail them out.