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29 December 2008

Tonight's CTV Moonbat Moment

Totally missing the point that "competitive sports" are all about, well... "competing"... tonight reporter Roger Smith spent five minutes lamenting the fact that Team Canada refused to back off at some point in their 15-0 blowout over Kazakhstan.

When exactly, did hurt feelings take precedence over excelling and winning?

The Oprah-fication of North America continues apace.


"I'm waiting for some moonbat to say it was a disproportionate number of goals."

"Evgeni Bolyakin, player of the game for Kazakhstan, feels it's better for his team's development to play and lose in Division 1 than return to Division 2."

"It's better to play in the more prestigious group," Bolyakin said through an interpreter. 'We're learning, especially against teams like Canada'."