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15 December 2008

We don't talk about victories...

...we're Canadian.

Today... the Globe & Mail leads with their contention that the Taliban "controls" the main roads in Afghanistan... conveniently ignoring the fact that everytime we catch these donkeyheads out in the open... or, on the rare occasions they actually stand and fight... they get their raggedy-asses blown to kingdom come...
-- KABUL, Afghanistan (AP -- A joint Afghan-NATO operation in a volatile region in the country's dangerous south has killed 40 militants, including the Taliban's leader in that region, a government official said Monday.

The operation in the Nad Ali and Murja districts of Helmand province began on Thursday and continued through Monday, said Dawood Ahmadi, spokesman for Helmand's governor.

Among the dead was a Mullah Salim, a Taliban leader who was the head of the militant's council in the two districts, Ahmadi said.
See... sneaking out in the middle of the night and setting booby-traps is not winning. Nor is strapping explosives to 13 year-old kids and using them as human bombs.

Just don't tell that to the Globe.


UPDATE: Globe replaces "Taliban kicking ass" article...

...with Canadian housing prices crashing.

Good grief.


LAST WORD: Bullying, controlling who?

Funny how that works.
