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15 December 2008

A little unclear on the concept

It seems to have escaped everyone's notice that, under the previous regime, this would have been, at minimum, a firing squad offense...
Al Baghdadiya in turn has called for the reporter's release. The network said that freeing al-Zaidi would be in line with what it called the "freedom of expression" the U.S. has promised all Iraqis.
Of course, this being Iraq, there has to be further ironic icing on this particular "clown cake"...
Saddam Hussein's former chief lawyer told al Jazeera network that he would defend al-Zaidi in court.
Oh gawd... stop it... yer killin' me.

Predictably, the loony left... the people who scream in pain if there is but a single word of criticism about Saint Barack... are wetting themselves with glee.
