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07 December 2008

So, lemme see if I understand this...

...does that include blowing human beings... men, women and children... into bloody hamburger-sized pieces?


RELATED: "Ma-ma-ma-my religion!"
"Hmm. Greater Mumbai forms one of the world's five biggest cities. It has a population of nearly 20 million. But only one Jewish center, located in a building that gives no external clue as to the bounty waiting therein."

"An "accidental hostage scene" that one of the "practitioners" just happened to stumble upon?"

"I must be the luckiest jihadist in town."

UPDATE: He's baaa-aaaack...

Apparently, my buddy "liberal supporter" aka "cc-nonymous" is getting a little frustrated. Earlier tonight, he bombarded me again with a dozen of his nonsensical trolls... and when I deleted them all... he decided to chuck in a little "racist provocation."
Yessiree... he's one class act.

And apparently, there's a bit of a split personality thing going on here...
He just can't help himself.
