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03 December 2008

The part I just don't get... how the guy who's getting his Caspar Milquetoast ass kicked out of the Liberal Party driver seat... has the nerve to go on national television and yammer about anybody else... "losing the confidence"... of anybody or anything at all...
"At a time when he needed to look reassuring, to look prime ministerial, he looked exactly the way the Conservatives have been trying to portray him - like the leader of some sort of third-rate coup, being filmed in his hideout with one of his accomplices sticking a cheap video camera in his face."

"Communication skills and professionalism are key when you're attempting to lead what might be the most unwieldy government in Canadian history."

"Dion displayed not a smidgeon of either."
Stephane... you just "didn't get it done."


UPDATE: Rats starting to flee "plague ship"
The Liberals' chief whip is asking his MPs not to abandon the party as concerns grow about dissatisfaction over Stéphane Dion's leadership.

RELATED: Flee, flee... run away!!!
"The Ignatieff official said Mr. Ignatieff's view not to accept a cabinet position - if one is offered and it likely would be - should not be interpreted as some new-founded concern over the coalition or that he is backing out of the coalition."

LAST WORD: Please just tell me... you're kidding
"The Industry post, the source insisted, would go to New Democrat leader Jack Layton."