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03 December 2008

Duceppe is the only winner here

And he's just sitting there listening to the banjo music...

There are several clauses in the twinned manifestos of the proposed new tripartite Canadian government that betray its creepy, insincere spirit. The one that should jump out at Canadians most obviously is this: "The government will put in place a "permanent consultation mechanism" with the Bloc Quebecois."

"As blogger Ezra Levant noted this week: 'A permanent consultation mechanism, you say? Well, we already have one of those--it's called Parliament'."

"But Parliament is a little too public for this coalition -- you know, with nosy Canadians watching how deals are made. This consultation mechanism will be private -- a way for the separatists to make their demands in secret, and for prime minister Stephane Dion to meet those demands in secret."

"We've (the RoC) almost officially become a colony of Quebec."

"The conquered have become the conquerors."

RELATED: Dion cabal gets star endorsement


LAST WORD: Coalition, my ass...

...more like "ship of fools"...
CTV received angry emails within minutes of signing off. Some viewers thought CTV was ignoring the Liberal leader, while others thought Dion was purposely snubbing the network.

Dion's coalition partners were both angry and embarrassed by the Liberal address. The NDP said Wednesday's fiasco undermined the credibility of the coalition, CTV's Robert Fife reported.

"I'm told that (Bloc Quebecois Leader) Gilles Duceppe ran into Mr. Dion in the elevator and asked 'What the hell happened?' and Mr. Dion said, 'We're not used to being in opposition," Fife said.