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18 November 2008

Why they hate us

These researchers determined that "there are five psychological foundations of morality, which we label as harm/care, fairness/reciprocity, ingroup/loyalty, authority/respect, and purity/sanctity."

Conservative morality is based on some combination of all five of these moral foundations. There may not be an exact 20% input from each one, but they are all present.

Liberal morality is based on only the harm/care and fairness/reciprocity foundations.
(via ace of spades)



Sitemeter is tellin' me... he's baaa-aaack.

Apparently Censorious Cynic objects to anyone hearing about the recent rash of homicides in urban Ontario. Or maybe... since I have yet to see him freak out about the television and newspaper coverage... it's just me he objects to.

I suspect he's still just kinda touchy about this little gem.

You've also gotta love this guy's total lack of self-awareness as he tries to pin the "neo-nazi" tail... on another prominent conservative blogger.

Good grief.
