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21 November 2008

No wonder it's being cancelled

Watched the Canwest/Global morning news show today... and boy, does that explain a few things.

Today's episode featured a couple of firefighters who yammered on about resuscitating people's pets at fire scenes. At one point the valiant "smoke-eaters" fruitlessly tried to put a special oxygen mask on somebody's poor pooch... and all I can say is... I hope these guys are more proficient with ladders and hoses than they were with the pet-o-mask.

The point here is... while it's certainly nice that Fido gets the full court press too... there's no way this fluff qualifies as actual news.

Ditto for the intrepid "reporter on the street" who was sent out before dawn to get the scoop on the international financial upset. Seems she was reduced to corralling some poor woman on her way to work and obtaining her opinion on yesterday's stock market meltdown.

Now, one would hope that the woman in question was actually a stockbroker... but there was no name and no mention of her credentials or her occupation... and from her simplistic financial prognostication... (apparently we're all doomed)... I suspect she actually works in the brokerage cafeteria.

If they dumb this stuff down any further, I'm afraid people's IQ's are gonna start plummeting.

Or maybe it's just too late already.


"Last night we watched the local Toronto CTV news."

"Nine minutes in, after about 5 minutes of the triple murder suicide, about three of the economic situation, and one on the 'blizzard', the next story was about 'a SHOCKING result' on some dumb dance show."