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04 November 2008

McCain concedes

Just watching the McCain concession speech and it seems to be one of his finest and most natural moments of the last two years. No strained smiles... no forced emotion.

Too bad he couldn't have projected like this... even in these last couple of weeks.



Got an email from a reader... with the latest from our man, CC.

See, the Cynic is a little cagier these days... he doesn't want Sitemeter to point a finger his way... so he just fulminates about me without providing an actual url to link to.

But, you know what, if I was spouting this sort of vile spew... I guess I'd be a little worried too...

Funny... this seems to be a recurring meme for our pottymouthed friend.

Where, oh where... does he get all these wonderful ideas? I guess, at 4 o'clock in the morning, the creative juices are really flowing.


UPDATE: Guess this one hit a nerve

The Cynic has... yet again... started to bombard me with dozens of additional instances of his (complete with laugh track) nazi-saturated comment spam.

And now, apparently, he's entertaining even darker thoughts...

And like Obamaniacs everywhere... he's ready to "let the healing begin"...

All of which begs the question... what on earth did his parents do to this poor kid?

I almost feel sorry for him.
