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05 November 2008

The campaign was historic... several ways.

Not only did it result in the election of a black president in a country that has a history of slavery and segregation; it also resulted in the election of the second Catholic on a major-party ticket in Vice President-elect Joe Biden of Delaware.

Further, the campaign featured the first woman vice presidential candidate for the GOP in Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin.

And the initial analysis of exit polls indicated that young people, African-Americans, and new voters turned out in huge numbers.

RELATED: Congratulations continue to pour in
Much of the Arab press, as well as ordinary people in the street, are rejoicing over the election of Democrat Barak Obama as the next president of the United States.

Commentators on Al-Jazeera TV, which has consistently criticized the outgoing Bush administration for its policies towards the Arab world, appeared almost jubilant over Mr. Obama's election, with many hailing the results of the election as a "positive for the Arab world."